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Wednesday, 22 February 2012

Tips For Muet 2012

As before, mungkin sekarang minggu muet kan?? so sy nak kongsi dengan readers yang akan amek muet . hope tips yang akan sy bagi ni dapat membantu readers2 yang akan bakal amek exam muet ni okeh?  :peace
Untuk Format Speaking, candidate harus faham apa dia themes “speaking” yang dikehendaki.. so kat bawah ni, candidate harus ada dalam persediaan akhir examination MUET.. Speaking Examination ini mengandungi 2 Task. Task A, dan Task BTask Amerupakan cara candidate meluahkan idea secara bersendirian. iaini memerlukan pemikiran idea yang sgt bernas. Task B pula, candidate berbincang bersama candidate lain untuk mencari keputusan didalam soalan yang diberikan. Apakah itu candidatecandidateialah calon exam berkenaan. candidate yang diperlukan untuk satu-satu kumpulan adalah seramai 4 orang atau kurang. Masa yang diperlukan adalah : Untuk Task A, diberi 2 minit untuk menulis isi/mencari isi, 2 minit lagi untuk membentangkan isi. Untuk Task B, 2 minit untuk mencari/menulis isi@idea, 10 minit untk perbentangan bersama candidate lain. Diingatkan, Exam muet SPEAKING ini adalah untuk memberi markah kepada candidate yang berjaya MENONJOLKAN diri didalam idea pada TASK A, juga MEMBERI IDEA(agree,disagree,interrupting,questioning) di TASK B. Menjadi satuKELEBIHAN kepada candidate yang berjaya membuat CONCLUDING pada akhir perbincangan di TASK B
Mesti ADA
  • Greetings
  • Repeat situation from the question
  • State the point given to you
  • 3 points with relevant explanation & examples
  • Conclusion
This is the examples candidate can use for their point. choose one of them for each point.  :cute
Greeting ;
  • Good morning to everyone
  • Good morning i bid to one and all
  • Good morning to the examiners and all candidates
  • A very good morning i wish to all examiners and fellow candidates.
Repeat Situation ;
  • Today we are talking about ______________
  • The situation i have been given is ____________
  • According to the situation ______________
  • Based on the situation given _____________
State The Point Given ;
  • I would like to give 3 reasons for my point which is __________,___________,_____________.
  • There are 3 reasons to support my point which is ___________,___________,____________.
  • My point is __________,____________,____________so to elaborate i would like to discuss it.
  • I think that ___________,___________,_____________is the best idea .
3 Points (Explanation And Examples) ;
  • Firstly, i think that ________ this is because _________moreover,________ for example, __________.
  • Secondly, another reasons is _______ in addition,__________ for instance ______________.
  • Finally, in my opinion, ______________furthermore _____________ a good example is __________.
Conclusion ;
  • In conclusion, this is the best point because __________________. Thank you
  • To conclude, i still agree that __________________. Thank you
  • In a nutshell, i feel that ________________. Thank you
  • In short, my idea is the best because _________________.Thank you
Mesti ADA
  • Agree
  • Disagree (if you think the candidate point is not use)
  • Interrupting
  • Questioning
  • Concluding
Agree ;
  • I agree with you
  • That’s a great idea
  • I see your point!
  • That’s an interesting perspective
  • I like your suggestion
  • Indeed
  • I concur with your point of view
Disagree ;
  • I’m sorry, but i disagree
  • I’m afraid i have to disagree your idea
  • I don’t see eye to eye with you
  • That’s not a good idea/suggestion
  • I beg to differ
Interrupting ;
  • Excuse me, may i interrupt please?
  • I’d like to add something please?
  • May i say something?
  • Could you please hear me out?
  • Pardon me, but could i add something please?
Questioning ;
  • So, what do you think, candidate X?
  • How about your point of view?
  • Candidates X, would you like to give us your opinion?
  • Does anyone agree with me?
  • Why don’t we consider the other points?
  • I don’t understand, can you please repeat?
  • Any suggestions?
Concluding ;
  • In conclusion, all of us agree that _______________.Thank You
  • To conclude, most of us agree that ________________.Thank You
  • In a nutshell, some of us agree that____________while some of us prefer____________.Thank You
  • As time is running out, it seems that ALL OF US can agree on which option is the best because each point has many advantages and disadvantages!. Thank You
P/s : sy harap ianya dapat membantu  rakan-rakan yang secara kebetulan mencari format muet (speaking) ini.. study habis2 okeh adik-adik sekalian.  :peace

